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HH是由台灣聲音藝術家姚仲涵和葉廷皓於2013年組成的聲音影像團體。這個團體在台灣實驗藝術和音樂圈中極為活躍,直到葉廷皓於2024年不幸去世。這個聲音影像團體,探索了噪音、電子舞曲和視覺影像之間交會與互動的灰色地帶。羅悅全(Jeph Lo)曾於2014年底,為《白木耳》的姊妹刊物《潛意識餐廳》第三期,撰寫了關於HH的文章。現在,您可以在白木耳的網站上閱讀到這篇文章。
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HH was an audio-visual duo formed by Taiwanese sound artists Yao Chung-Han and Yeh Ting-Hao in 2013. The duo was active in the Taiwanese experimental art and music scene until Yeh’s untimely passing in 2024. HH mined the gray area where noise, electronic dance music, and visual imagery meet, and interact. Jeph Lo wrote about the HH for the third issue of White Fungus’ sister publication The Subconscious Restaurant in late 2014. You can now read the article online.
Morton Subotnick in Conversation with Paul Holdengräber
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Morton Subotnick is a name synonymous with the evolution of electronic music. In 1963, he began collaborating with inventor Don Buchla in San Francisco to develop what is widely regarded as the world’s first analog synthesizer. His groundbreaking 1967 album, Silver Apples of the Moon, was the first music commissioned specifically for the LP format. In 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Subotnick appeared on Paul Holdengräber’s podcast, The Quarantine Tapes, to reflect on his life, work, and how he was navigating the challenges of the time. The conversation is now available to read online.
mis-competence in New Zealand electronic music
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Bruce Russell writes about the history of New Zealand DIY electronic music, which he argues sprang from a strategy of “mis-competence”. That is a deliberate misuse of instruments and audio equipment to achieve a sound beyond the machinations of the music industry. Misuse, Russell says, is the defining feature of New Zealand sound work. This article was originally commissioned in 2012 by White Fungus for the first issue of its sister publication The Subconscious Restaurant.
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Sydney noise musician Lucas Abela, AKA Justice Yeldham, is one of the avant-garde's most electrifying performers. Playing music by orally manipulating mic'd-up shards of glass, he employs a range of unusual vocal and rhythmic techniques. His performances can be extreme, even bloody, but are also notable for the rich diversity of sounds he achieves through this rudimentary instrument. White Fungus editor Ron Hanson spoke to Abela about his unique musical trajectory and how a pandemic-enforced break from the stage altered his approach.